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One more thing to lay on our community without a practical discussion about how the growing population in Thurston County will be impacted. Always someone else's at fault or to pay the bill. Yes 100 years ago decisions were made that impacted our community today. This is what our governmental process is designed to "collectively address". The author of this article first must explain what their message means to those in Thurston County now needing a home and a way to live within the community ---paying their own bills. All other ideas need to wait for their suggestions and way to address life today. Otherwise, please hold your "utopia" thoughts for the next generation.

In a recent article, we had the City of Olympia suggesting that they wanted to "escape their responsibilities related to the Growth Management Act via not annexing the area to the SE. Too expensive. Who is responsible for what. Now we want the Deschutes River to be an entity unto itself. Please map out the governance for this concept and who will pay for it.

From: Environmental group pushing for 'Rights of Nature' law for Deschutes River

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