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Jungle primaries are ridiculous! If we want to have fair elections my suggestion would be to have each county nominate their own electoral college so that Pierce and King don't decide what is good for the rest of us.

Additionally, people with no skin in the game shouldn't be allowed to vote because they do not pay for their actions. Meaning, $5000 is collected from person A, but person A receives a $7500 "tax credit"... person A is not/NOT paying taxes. Therefore, person A should not get to vote for tax increases or subsidies or anything that affects the lives of person B. Which is why this idea of non-citizens voting in Federal elections is ridiculous!

Democracy... I hate democracy the way the Democrats want Democracy. 51% of everybody should not decide what the other 49% have to live with. Thank goodness we have an electoral college, or 9 to 10 major cities would decide what everyone else in this country has to live with. What is crazy about their idea of "Democracy" is... Once that cage door is shut, they will be inside the cage along with everyone else. Voting for free stuff is dangerous... The mouse never asked why the cheese was free.

Ryan Burton

From: Time for a new generation of voters to make a difference

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