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I'm excited to see our youth engaged so early in life. It is nice to know that there are others who are concerned about the dialogue we are having in this country.

With that said, I will make this point. Our Constitution is pure genius, period! Conversations about politics and government are the very essence of our Constitution. In fact, it is why they, our framers adopted it within the 1st Amendment - it is the first thing they thought off. The problem is most folks forget the word "peaceably" prior to "assemble". Emotions often clutter the back, and forth. Add that to biased news organizations and it creates panic and fear among the people. This usually ends with individual passion turned to anger which is why we have seen so many public outcries and disruption across these United States. The term peaceably is often forgotten...

Now, my hope is Gavin continues his passionate train of thought as he matures and sees what other governments have done over the 200+ years America's Republican form of government has stood. We may continue to enjoy our freedoms of discourse as long as we can keep our Republic (I remember hearing something similar to this phrase before...)

Well done young man, thank you!

Ryan Burton

From: The America I want to seeĀ 

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