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Completely agree with hptrillium and Olywelcomesall. Very impressed with Olympia for supporting this initiative.

I am always happy to share my city, or county, with more people of color.

Let's start with one marginalized group at a time, if we have to.

Let's be more mindful of helping our colored neighbors move forward, especially our Black neighbors.

Let's keep in mind that our country purposefully pushed the Black population down for decades, and do everything we can to reverse that mindset, in our own lives and in our institutions.

Let's help them create the generational wealth that White people created by simply having access to better jobs and affordable housing since The Great Depression.

Let's be mindful of helping all racial groups, but also remember that this country was built off the labor of Black individuals, who were never even paid for that work.

From: Thurston council votes to support the Black Home Initiative expansion

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