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Thank you, Ms. Lari. I appreciate your sentiment and what OSD4ALL has done, and I expect that OSD4ALL will continue to focus on solutions in their effort to deal with a school-board that isn’t listening to their constituents.

Democrats and Republicans; Libertarians and Independents – we need to ensure that public education is easily accessible to all. That means keeping our neighborhood schools open.

In the Olympia School District, we approve the school levy religiously. This is not the case for so many other communities around the state. It’s astounding that, according to many of the Olympia School Board Directors, we cannot keep our neighborhood schools open. What do they know that we do not? While OSD is currently fiscally solvent, I know that we can ask the state for more.

In a non-partisan call to action, I hope all take note that the state is not providing adequate funding for our schools. This legislative session, I hope our communities can come together to ensure insurance and utilities for our school districts are fully funded. It’s not a big ask, and we can get it done.

Let’s stay focused on solutions. Together, we’ve got this.

From: Olympia School Board is failing to listen to community members

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