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Dear Pat Cole: What affordable single family home stock? Every house here is 500k+. Your positions on zoning in our city are backwards. You are anti-housing, and anti-affordability. We need to legalize missing middle housing in areas that are a stones throw away from Downtown Olympia. When you and your landowning friends on the neighborhood association block the legalization of missing middle housing that means property owners have no freedom to do something reasonable with their private land, like building some townhomes or a small apartment building that fits in with the neighborhood. Single family zoning is exclusionary and you are advocating for excluding people from your neighborhood and city. You are advocating for wealthy, privileged landowners to work to maintain the status quo of unaffordability and exclusion. It really makes me dread the future when I see people this ignorant with enough clout to get these NIMBY op-eds published.

From: What's so important about cities' Comprehensive Plans?

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