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For those of defending this 75 year old man. I think it's important to know that the 3 children he pointed a gun at and then fired in the air in front of, were ages 6, 3 and 11 months old. And the "fireworks" that had him and his dogs SO upset, were poppers that you throw on the ground and little noise makers purchased from inside Safeway.

I know all of these FACTS because victims are my family and all of you justifying the violent behavior of this very grown man are ridiculous. I'm also very surprised that these extremely pertinent details aren't included is this article as I'm absolutely certain that they are part of the police report. Instead this article is written in a way to make it look like the man weilding a gun and shooting in the air in front of a yard full of small children a 4th of July celebration, is justified in his actions, because his "dog" was bothered by poppers and noise makers bought at a grocery store not a fireworks stand.

Yeah my daughter told him no they weren't going to stop... because there were NO FIREWORKS! It was a 6 year old and a 3 year old doing poppers.

But yeah, pulling a gun and shooting it is totally reasonable and safe, far safer and a lot more quiet than those poppers and noise makers I bet.

From: 75-year-old Olympia man arrested after allegedly firing gun on July 4 over fireworks

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