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Martin Way's problems can't be solved in the Martin way corridor.

Martin Ways most fundamental problem is that there are far too few parallel routes, and far to few perpendicular routes intersecting Martin way to move the volumes of traffic in either direction. Traffic volumes in both directions need to be dispersed on multiple new parallel routes that carry smaller more local shares of the volumes allowing speeds of 35mph or lower to accommodate the volume of trips, both car and bicyclist, on shared right of way. There are multiple good reasons why good cities have street grids and small blocks. In addition, the commercial areas need a dramatic and thorough integration of enough new high density housing to significantly lower the number of vehicle trips needed to support flourishing commercial enterprise throughout the area. Transformation of this study area into a far more environmentally sustainable future oriented walking city where you can live and work without a car ought to be what you're planning for.

From: Olympia planner highlights Martin Way improvements in the 2025-2030 Capital Facilities Plan

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