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This funding is great news.

But the source it comes from is at risk. The WSDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program, from which this grant was received, is dependent on funding from the Washington Climate Commitment Act. Initiative 2117, on the November ballot, would repeal the Climate Commitment Act. We must DEFEAT I-2117.

There are numerous projects in Thurston County being funded with Climate Commitment Act funds, including the Nisqually Microgrid, several fish passage projects, Intercity Transit's new fuel cell buses and the IT maintenance facility, more than 40 EV charging stations, and many other projects.

Tell your friends and neighbors to protect funding for local environmental, walking, pedestrian, transit, and energy efficiency programs by OPPOSING Initiative 2117.

You can read the full "risk of repeal" project list at:

From: Tumwater to receive $5.8 million in state funding for Deschutes Valley Trail project 

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