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Public trails are great, but the City has essentially cut off all fishing opportunities along the Deschutes River that runs through the golf course. When the golf course was constructed in 1970, the area was envisioned as a multi-use recreational area by the builders and the Washington Dept. of Game. I, and many of my colleagues fly fished this stretch for many years, catching small trout and releasing the fish. I personally was involved in planting riparian vegetation along the river to enhance the habitat.

Unfortunately, now, since the City owns the property we cannot fish this stretch. We used to park at the Valley parking lot, don our waders and make our way along the edge of the course, dipping down to fish different holes and riffles. Now, it is not allowed, since it seems to be an insurance issue. The river is a multi-use recreational area and publicly owned. The City should have some way for us fly fishers to sign a waiver and fish our old haunts. We do not trod the greens and always have walked along the edge of the treeline looking for river access points.

From: Tumwater to receive $5.8 million in state funding for Deschutes Valley Trail project 

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