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First, these corridors have an increasing number of fatal crashes overall. The number doubles between 2014 and 2022 just in these corridors. Safety should be a first priority for all of the road users whether they are driving or not driving.

The Regional Transportation Plan, Climate Plan and Sustainable Thurston all call for reducing single occupancy vehicles and the number of miles driven in our region. If people are going to use transit, they need a safe walking environment. Reducing traffic by encouraging people to walk, cycle and use transit needs to be paired with a safe and comfortable environment.

Also, crashes of any kind cause traffic jams - which is congestion. So increasing safety will reduce congestion.

I am puzzled as to why anyone would want to remove the focus on safety while working on congestion management.

During the TPB meeting I listened to I did not hear concerns from staff about the data.

From: Planning council backs safety focus in Congestion Management Process despite technical concerns

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