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I am encouraged that the Olympia Mayor is trying to find a regional solution to the problem of RV's in neighborhoods. If the statistics are correct, there has been a large reduction in the RV's impacting neighborhoods, which is good. What is not good is the lack of enforcement of ordinances related to the location and movement of existing RV's in the city. People living in RV's outside of established RV parks come from all situations in life and it is just another part of the homeless problem. They need to have screening and determine what is best for them. If they do not want help, because they like the vagabond life, they need to move on. Under no circumstances is it right to have these derelict mobile homes desecrate a person's property and cause financial hardship. New ordinances must be developed with teeth to alleviate problems.

From: Olympia to revisit RV parking policy amid residents' safety concerns 

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