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The Olympia 5 years ago is not the Olympia today. There are many examples to give of why Olympia is an exceptional place to live. The first is people, their sense of community, their compassion, progressive inclusive nature, the propensity for the need of balance and equality. On the other hand, there are those who will take advantage of such nature.

In the last several years crime has taken its toll on the people of Olympia. Not safe in their neighborhoods any longer. RV’s, broken down vehicles, and those that prowl within them. The garbage and raw sewage left behind signals what a reasonable person might regard as disrespectful, and a blatant disregard for the community.

Now not all struggling to make ends meet fit into this category. There are complex issues, we all are aware of the dangers of pigeonholing all people that find themselves navigating the financial movement that has taken hold in this country. Common sense dictates that rules (laws) must be clearly communicated, and consequences must be consistent.

Where are the consequences when those who continue to access services do not follow the rules? Do they not have any personal responsibility?

An example is our emergency rooms filled to the brim with some who are trying to buck the system. For many reasons, and not minimizing mental health issues! Yet, I recently spent a prolonged period of time in a local hospital emergency room with my elderly mother. This allowed me firsthand to witness several people who suffered from alcoholism and drug issues. I listened to three patients who were outside the room on beds talking. They were all from Portland, and had case managers there. The nurses were trying to contact their case managers because they wanted to go back to Portland and needed bus tickets, and services. They laughed as soon as the nurses, who were truly kind to them walked away. They would be in Portland by morning and could return to Olympia to continue their vacation.

I was saddened by the manipulation and wondered what the cost to taxpayers of Washington and Oregon could be. More importantly, ask the people of Olympia what they think of their ever-increasing tax base, about the crimes in their neighborhoods, about their sense of security walking their dogs. The garbage piling up on the sides of the freeways, the harassment walking into stores, doctors’ appointments, etc.

Ask Ms. Montoya what the cost to her family has been since the murder of her son. Ask the people of Olympia how they think now about compassion and problem solving!

Where is compassion for those who have abided by the rules of life, and choose not to burden but to contribute.

From: Olympia to revisit RV parking policy amid residents' safety concerns 

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