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The neighbors living near Burri Park on East End Street near the Deer Run apartments spoke at the

City Council meeting. Dontaye Payne asked the homeless coordinator, Darien Lightfoot, how residents can contact the city. Lightfoot said residents had to submit a message online and complain to code enforcement. Dontaye asked what were the rules about Rv parking with someone living in the RV. Lightfoot said move every 24 hours and no RVs within sight of another RV, IE 500 feet. Dontayne said it would be good if the City enforced the rules. Tonight, July 11, at Burri Park, the same 2 RVs are parked close to each other on Eastend Street. A 4th 3rd RV was parked North of there last night, and then drove around the block to park south of there. Is the city Response Team suggesting to RV residents where to park now ? Why is the response team not contacting the live aboard RVs at Burri Park and tell them the rules? The RVs have been there for over a month and do not meet City guidelines to park and live in their RVs. The nearby residents do not receive call backs and have not been told that they have to submit an online code complaint. Even the Mayor did know this. Compliments to city homeless response members for their good work. But the neighbors should kno w the rules, and the rules should be posted at City parks.

From: Olympia to revisit RV parking policy amid residents' safety concerns 

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