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Totally disagree with your premise: “It’s not the holiday’s fault or our fellow citizens enjoying the celebration of our great nation. It’s the fault of careless owners.” Not always. I witnessed a problem a few years ago where the owners locked their dog in their garage because they’d be out on the 4th. Their dog died of a heart attack due to the crazy fireworks on the street outside. And today on someone posted about their horses breaking down their stalls and injuring themselves due to neighbors setting off mortars. And what about the wildlife??!? I saw a dead River otter on the 5th of July that had been hit by a car at least a mile from the river. There's fun, harmless fireworks and then there are things like mortars that have no function other than making war like explosions. It’s just awful and not necessary. (Not even mentioning people with ptsd). Get real and don’t be so dismissive of the harm caused.

From: Missing on the Fourth of July

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