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You have just filled my morning with amazing research, an amazing writing style, and have renewed the opinion that appreciating the honest past can motivate future progress. Most people have a sense of right and wrong, and then there are those that can bring people together to make a difference. Then there are some people are great teachers - and you are one of them. Thank you! Tonight, July 2, 2024 at 7pm, is another Tumwater City Council meeting and this mother tree is on the agenda again... There is no special hearing opportunity, but there is the public testimony three minutes at the beginning of the meeting that is available for comment. Unfortunately, the current fence prevents us from gathering around this mother tree and placing a supportive hand on her trunk during her summertime of growth and renewal today. At least we have a picture of our support of her life on the Facebook page. Everyone have a wonderful day! Thank you The Jolt!

From: Why the ruckus over a tree?

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