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Johnny Kangas, you back in town? Arson, it's the Oly Way; one might say that "It's In The Water". So many troublesome old buildings and warehouses mysteriously just . . . go up in smoke! I had full, daily access to the Yard Bird's building up to the night it was lit afire. I saw the stage being set for its torching. Its owner avoided substantial clean-up costs due to its destruction by fire (arson). Johnny now works for its former owner in Hawai'i. But have a tiny two-log fire in your back yard and have the neighbor call? Pumper truck poised to blast you and it into a corner. No, no fines were ever levied as the city had been itching to build housing. I offered info to the investigative unit. No, thanks, we're done with our 'investigation'.

From: Fire destroys former South Pacific Restaurant in Tumwater

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