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I am a big critic of how the city is so often mismanaged. I'm convinced a majority of council members and mayor are just in it as a means to higher office with support from their developer friends. This time I appreciate how the city appears to be making an effort. I agree with Bob Jacobs comment, "The devil is in the details". Having said this I must mention there are many lower hanging fruits to addressing homelessness the city is missing. These include leasing some of the many long term vacant offices spaces and strip mall stores to install mini transitional apartments, to help homeless families get back on their feet. These buildings are often close to bus lines and various businesses looking for employees. Commercial buildings are also unencumbered by nearby home owners afraid of transitional housing getting sited in their neighborhood. Another step the city can do is to Quit giving away these asinine zero residential property tax sweet heart deals to developers building apartments. These deals can now extend up to 20 years and are a slap in the face to any other resident whose paying their fair share of property taxes. Tax relief to corporate owned rentals instead of to owner occupied homes and condos where the recipient of this tax break is able to be paying down a mortgage and owning their part of the American dream is the only way this would make sense. Lastly to the angry idiots who have nothing but distain to say about the homeless population and grumble about equating being homeless with being lazy or a druggy, well I hope you or no one you care about is ever priced out of housing despite your best efforts to live by all the rules. Homelessness is at epidemic levels caused by greed and a sign of our distorted times. Rarely caused by it's many victims.

From: Resident-owned manufactured home community would replace The Jungle

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