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In JW's comment he mentions septic contamination in Wet Land Areas and wonders how the City of Olympia would handle a problem such as this. The way the City has handled disposing of their stormwater in my area is to dump thousands of gallons contaminated water into my property and surrounding property owners because years past they, City and County , declared it wetland. It used to be farm land as dairies and home owners fought to put groceries on the table. Over the years, both the City and County have destroyed what used to be Indian Creek. The flow of this creek has been destroyed by blocked culverts and the lack of NO Maintenance.

In my area flooding used to be seasonal but now it occurs anytime the City wants to flush their Wastewater Toilet. In this new proposed " JUNGLE" project I expect the stormwater drains will drain into the nearby wetland. In new housing developments code requires a stormwater basin be built where the stormwater is sent to so impurities can settle to the bottom as the water evaporates or flows thru an overflow. This drain system that is flooding my property has no BASIN as it was done illegally by our un-law abiding city.

Why are local tax payers being DICTATED to and giving homes to people who have no desire to work or better their lives ? Why has our President and Congress allowed thousands of illegals to cross our borders. Fifty houses in the JUNGLE is a JOKE as it is not going to solve anything, only feed political greed.

From: Resident-owned manufactured home community would replace The Jungle

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