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I thought we owned the building??? And that was why we were fixing it all up. It was supposed to be a great purchase, sort of rushed through, a few years ago, by other county commissioners besides the ones Deeper Thoughts named. My memory seems to be faulty. I can see why the county would like to gather their different offices together, seems efficient. That doesn't bother me and it would be appropriate to spend tax payer dollars on it.

That said, I am glad the SAO spotted this extreme example of the avoidance of competitive bidding. I can hardly believe there was nobody at the county having heartburn over this, especially for a building we do not own.

Looks now that property developers have not only targeted naive city politicians for unnecesary tax breaks for building downtown Olympia market rate residential buildings (and also getting code exceptions featuring an intentional lack of parking places for their prospective residents), they have also influenced the county.

From: Thurston County “respectfully disagrees” with state auditor’s opinions

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