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IT sounds as if Sullivan et al is of the opinion that one part of the tree is decayed, thus it should be completely destroyed. This is like saying, you have an infected toenail, so let's cut off the foot.

Prune the tree. Cut out the dead parts and let the rest of the tree live. You see it all the time, especially in big leafed maples. The tree can lose a good portion of it's trunk and still produce seeds, leaves and live a long life.

The Meeker oak at this moment is healthy and in full leaf. Go take a look at it. You'll see it as a living tree.

There is no need to take down the tree when judicious pruning can eliminate the risk. I really don't understand Sullivan's antipathy towards a tree, the excuse of 'safety' doesn't hold water.

And the diameter of that 'fallen branch' keeps getting bigger.

Come on, Mayor, compromise. All you're doing is making your reputation that much lower. Prune the tree if it's necessary and let it stand to live another fifty or hundred years.

From: Tumwater’s arborist contradicted himself on Davis-Meeker Oak

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