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Instead of county Prosecutor Tunheim acknowledging his elite civil attorneys were flat wrong in their interpretation of the law, as usual, it is nothing to see here folks. Tunehim should be pressed on 1. Why was the county auditor who is familiar with state procurement regulations intentionally not consulted on such a major purchase by the county? 2. Why not seek legal advice from the state auditor's office that the county knows will be reviewing their actions to ensure proper protocols are being followed before making questionable purchases? Once again, the county acts as if it can do what it wants with taxpayer funds. The Atrium is a huge, expensive boondoggle that was a pet project of the former county manager Ramiro and endorsed by Commissioner Mejia and Menser. Millions of county tax dollars poured into a rental building and improvements to a building that the county doesn't even own. And now we hear the county wants voters to trust them and approve funding for a new $400 million courthouse downtown. What a joke. It is time for major oversight and full accountability at the county. The county prosecutor's civil attorneys who are not even working full time in the office and making over $150K/year and giving bad legal advice is the tip of the iceberg.

From: Thurston County “respectfully disagrees” with state auditor’s opinions

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