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This article is a little confusing.

The location previously discussed for the County Courthouse was the old Olympia City Hall site (the "doughnut" which is a cruddy building and needs to go.

At several recent City Council meetings, members were speaking in code about an apparent sale of this site to the Nisqually Tribe for a resort / conference facility / or casino. There have been a couple of Executive Session meetings discussing "real estate" that brought out discussion in open session. I think that deal is far enough along that the site is likely not available to the County any longer.

This location will likely be underwater at high tide in a decade or two. It has been underwater at high tide in the past (I remember floating Cadillacs at the auto dealer where Les Schwab Tire is now). It seems like a mistake to build anything there.

A better location for a new Courthouse is at Capital Mall. There is plenty of parking, many of the retail spaces are vacant, and there are a bunch of convenient restaurants there.

From: Proposed county courthouse would be erected on Plum Street in Olympia

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