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I think the Olympia Planning Commission needs a few senior citizens on it. Biking and pedestrian existence is wonderful when you're in your 20's or 30's. After age takes its toll on your strength and stamina it is no longer an option. I tried to live in Portland 12 years ago but my asthma wouldn't allow me to walk several blocks to Fred Myers and then carry my groceries uphill to my apartment. If I can't drive into downtown Oly, or have trouble finding a parking space, I won't shop there. And I would like to shop downtown. The local transit system is not an option either. Recently my car was in the shop for several weeks. I found that what is normally a 15 minute trip would take twice as long one way, not counting wait times. I depended on local friends to drive me to the library so I could get a few books to read and pick up items I needed. More bikes is not the answer to pollution control. Innovation and better city planning is.

From: Olympia Planning Commission seeks to prioritize pedestrian and biking plansĀ 

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