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Interesting comments. Here are a few reflections:

“People and families also need to be considered in the "space for the goffers [sic] and the larks”.”

People and families have filled in most of the natural spaces in Thurston County (eg: roads, highways, impervious surfaces, grass, etc). How much more should be paved over? It sounds like Sue Danver is speaking for Thurston County residents who are simply trying to preserve what little is left.

“Let's quit overreacting to a few overreacting individuals that fail to help solve the population growth of the world and Thurston County while the dream of "yesteryear" when Thurston County was still an untilled prairie. Come with a real solution as you take away a commonsense approach.”

To ask for a real solution in the face of being robbed of a commonsense approach and then to call those with whom we do not agree “overreacting individuals that [sic] fail to to help solve the population growth of the world…[and] dream of “yesteryear”” is a textbook example of the psychological concept of “projection.”

“Nature is a self-healing phenomenon.”

It certainly is. When one aspect of nature threatens the rest of nature, nature eliminates that one aspect. At the moment, that one aspect is us! Take note of the number of humans who die this (and following) summer(s) of excessive heat and major weather events. Puts nature’s self-healing into perspective.

“Under the guise of disrupting "nature". As I said earlier, get over it.”

Get over disrupting nature? See above. One has only to view commercials that enthusiastically market vehicles that glory in the ability to tear up fragile ecosystems (rivers, high elevation flora, deserts, etc) to see how much we equate destruction with power and control.

That’s the main challenge: To preserve rather than to disturb. We can all work together to do better. Our children, grandchildren, and beyond will thank us for it.

From: Port’s Alex Smith addresses concerns about air show coinciding with breeding season of larks 

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