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While I appreciate the lofty goal of no cars, I find it totally unrealistic, our culture and city is designed for cars and that’s not changing. As a carpenter, theres no way I’m going to use the bus or a bike for work. And there’s no way around that.

Spending money and time trying to decide how to make Olympia a fossil fuel free city is a waste. I think we would be better off making sure sidewalks in already walkable areas are connected, such as boulevard rd (many breaks in the sidewalk) and 18th on the east side (to name a few in my neighborhood). The policy the city has that sidewalks only get built in new development is the problem. It puts to cost on the public developer and creates patchwork nonsense that makes it more unsafe as bikes weave on and off the road.

From: Olympia Planning Commission seeks to prioritize pedestrian and biking plans 

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