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I agree that pedestrians and bikers anywhere in Thurston County have a hard time navigating safely. There are seldom sidewalks outside the city or planned developments. Trying to take a walk along the side of the road is hazardous because a person is stuck between a speeding car and the ditch or shrubbery. Walkers also must give way to speeding bikers who blast through without warning. We can't ignore the physical facts of how our cities were planned for the automobile, but we can mitigate the existing roadways by offering safety to those who must or choose to walk or bike. Pointing fingers of blame on anyone or imagining a different urban plan will not help. Simply allow people and bikers to have some safety to the extent possible. (If you don't like bikes, JulesJames, don't buy one.)

From: Olympia Planning Commission seeks to prioritize pedestrian and biking plansĀ 

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