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I clicked the “research demonstrates” link and although I appreciate the attempt at a citation, this self-proclaimed research demonstrates nothing novel. It’s just an editorial piece where the author repeatedly asserts that various power companies are racist without providing any data. Just because you say a thing doesn't make it true.

PSE actually has a discount program which cuts 5-45% from the bill depending on income and number of people living in the household. What you can’t do is pay nothing and expect the lights to stay on.

Perhaps instead of crying racism where there is none, we could discuss why the price of power is increasing year over year. Inflation, reliance on weather-dependent sources of power, irrational fear of nuclear energy, the felling of forests to produce biomass fuel, dam removal initiatives, and fossil fuel plant closures all come to mind. Unfortunately we won’t get to have that conversation because it tends to make “Team Virtue” look stupid.

From: Puget Sound Energy to disconnect residents behind on payments, including vulnerable households 

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