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This is an excellent article, and should be saved to read several times before becoming a pet owner.

Pets aren’t toys. Pets are not disposable. Every summer irresponsible pets owners dump their charges, to go on vacation and not pay for boarding or pet sitters.

Pets are not children who will grow up and be independent. Pets are a lifetime (their entire life) obligation.

Good vets are hard to come by, and pretty much as expensive as human doctors. Boarding a pet is not cheap.

Lastly, when you are prepared to bring a dog or cat into your home, PLEASE DON’T PURCHASE. If you are set on a specific pure breed, there are wonderful breed specific rescues. Public and nonprofit shelters and rescues have beautiful animals waiting for their forever humans. Also please consider an older animal. Their personalities will be set, so there will be no surprises. Also no housebreaking.

From: Responsible pet ownership starts with responsible owners

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