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There’s been plenty of great information given by an expert arborist on how to safely mitigate the risk of this tree without removing it.

So if it’s not a safety hazard, then it’s gotta be that pesky airport that hates the tree…think again.

It doesn’t make sense that this tree has to go to expand the airport. Take a look at the Preferred Development Alternative in the Olympia Airport Master Plan:

The Davis Meeker Oak is visible and clearly outside the runway protection zone and not in the way of any other planned airport development.

If they want to widen Old Hwy 99 there’s plenty of room on the other side of the street to do so. The city wouldn’t even need to impose imminent domain because the old Bonniewood Dr SE intersection plot is still theirs.

So this isn’t about the widening the road, airport expansion or public safety. We just have a stubborn mayor who doesn’t want to back down from a dumb idea. Let’s hope that she’s struck with a bout of uncommon sense before the saws go to work.

From: Judge rules against historic oak

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