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Airport expansion is the only possible explanation for removal of this tree. No other explanation holds a drop of water. Only a few minor obstacles stand in the way of airport expansion and this big old tree is at the top of the list of obstacles that are being systematically eliminated by a Tumwater Mayor Sullivan and the 6-figure salaried former Port of Olympia employee Lisa Parks who are steamrolling these obstacles out of the way of what they see as 'progress'...

Imagine for a moment how many billions and billions of dollars in wealth and profits will be reaped by special interests when the airport is expanded. There'll be 6-figure salaries in the future for Mayor Sullivan and Operative Parks, among others--just wait and see. Quiet investors will swoop down upon this little airport and turn it into a 'world class' investment object. I can feel their hot breath breathing down our necks as they prepare to eliminate the last few irritating little obstacles such as endangered species and 400 year old trees.

No majority vote in the Tumwater City Council for removing the tree: not a problem. Legal impediments such as 100+ year old laws regarding migratory birds and endangered species: F 'em. Deny, lie, bulldoze your way past the people who elected you to represent them and their best interests and the best interests of their children: screw 'em.

Voters in Pakistan and India have had problems getting to the polls to vote in recent elections due to higher than normal heat: 50 degrees celsius in Pakistan today. That's equal to 122 degrees fahrenheit. Planet earth is burning up faster and faster the more fossil fuels we burn. Expanding airports and using more jet fuels contributes mightily to this warming. How would you feel if the temperature here in Thurston County hit 122 degrees? What effect would it have on your garden? On your food supply?

Citizens in Thurston don't want airport expansion and even people who have never before held up a sign or protested anything around here before have protested plans to expand the Olympia Airport. What we want is rapid rail and public transit that lets us ditch our cars! But no, we're gonna have Airports and airport expansion shoved down our throats whether we want it or not because it's how the rich will get richer and that includes the disgusting fossil fuel companies who are destroying our lives and taking away our futures for the sake of their filthy oil.

And Mayor Sullivan and Lisa Parks are their puppets on a string. Watch them dance. See them smile.

From: Judge rules against historic oak

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