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I minored in Environmental Science when I attained my Masters at UWT. I know that this bird has overcome her difficult coloring to survive in this hostile world in order to brood chicks. She and her mate have found a safe home in the cavity of the Meeker Oak, which would not have a cavity at all if it were a young tree. Birds are able to fly over a roadway, as everyone knows who isn't an infant, Why are so many people so eager and in a hurry to destroy the lives of these birds and this tree? There are countless other little critters who depend on this tree for survival as well. The tree and the birds are hurting no one and have no future threat to anyone or any property. The public has repeatedly and vehemently spoken against the exansion of the airport and removal of the Meeker Oak. As far as I can deduce from reading about the actions of Mayor Sullivan and City Administrator Parks, the removal of the oak would allow for commercial development. Are the moneyed few going to benefit by the destruction of these innocent lives and the anger of the public? Yes. Why?

From: Davis-Meeker Oak supporters seek an extension through July due to protected migratory bird sighting

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