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Well, I'm not sure how the National Guard facility on Kimmie factors into the mayor's vendetta against a harmless old tree, but whatever. I fear that she'll have a hand in killing it. If not by cutting it down, by having 'someone' pour a bottle of herbicide on it's roots, who knows. (the latter action was taken against a 'Treaty Oak' in Texas years ago.

Ultimately, the mayor and her cohorts, the Port, all of them smell money in the air and intend to put it in their pockets, and the public be dammed. They're of the mind of "Shut up, you people who pay my salary. How dare you question my actions." Similar to the scene in 'Wizard of Oz'..a big blowhard, a charlatan, an enormous face on a curtain that roars, "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."

Pay CLOSE attention to the mayor behind her curtains of lies. The only way we can keep politicians in line is to question them at every step.

From: Defenders of historic Davis-Meeker oak gain restraining order protecting tree

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