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First Otter, Authors and Readers,

Aside from you being a brilliant writer explaining the double-down effort of the Mayor, there is another "artillery" problem that jeopardizes this and future tree saving efforts. The expansion and use of the Kimmie St. "Army Readiness Center" may be causing more commercial development behind the scenes. There is no doubt in my mind that the old OYO Hotel may become a stop for "military efforts" that do not value our quiet small town historic tree saving attitude. That facility may be generating growth that could propel it into a customer base like the King Oscar Motel (in Tacoma) that I patrolled as a security officer years ago. Or, our local hotel may once again be used as a stop for a/the Chip & Dale dancers of a local casino. I believe we are in for significant crime and traffic problems if development efforts continue with Mayor Debbie Sullivan and City Administrator Lisa Parks - and their hired lawyers. Those hired lawyers are no doubt looking up the road to pair up with future clients, meaning the almighty commercial developers and their supportive financial institutions, or with unvetted by the people military contractors and their backers - that don't respect trees and our environment. I was in Alaska when the people against the HAARP Research Facility, along with the Begichs', were succeeding at demilitarizing that USAF & USN military research facility (an unboxed and unregulated military effort). We don't know the final intent or the current effort of what has been or what will be unboxed at that Kimmie St. facility, or what destructive and uncontrollable military ego's are behind it. Hopefully they are drug and psychologically tested since they are right next to a middle school. (BTW: That effort was only supposed to be a National Guard supportive building, with unknown content.) Personally, I would rather have trees there. I do not appreciate military efforts and their associated entities that inevitibly bring obtrusive surveillance into what once was our quiet community - while attracting major nationalist spies searching for quiet little cities with top secret military technology and equipment. (Though I would support a small drone or Boeing part factory in Tumwater that any honest, young 18 year young high school graduate with a SPSCC machinist course under their belt could work in to make an average of $35 hr. - increasing in wage until retirement age without being hassled by drugs, alcohol or illegal activity. We all have dreams.) I look forward to today's rally and celebration for the Davis Meeker Garry Oak Tree and this Memorial Day honoring Veterans from every branch, including my Dad and my USN family. We are the people that show up, that care enough about peace and tranquility, and that believe in saving the trees and our community's future.

From: Defenders of historic Davis-Meeker oak gain restraining order protecting tree

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