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Tom Oliva, Authors and Readers:

The carved pole information is inspiring, if it were to happen. Though I don't want it to happen in my lifetime. Way too many people in our municipal corporate government seem to have the 1984 attitude toward leveling the land and bringing in more air, land and water pollution. Follow the leader? I still remember and need to find this picture: I stood in disbelief "during the time frame" when the Totem at the Tumwater Senior Center was being chainsawed down, unceremoniously, by the City of Tumwater. The city employee I talked to at the site indicated that the decision was already made. I took that information very seriously as an implied brick wall that it was a solid and backed decision with no or not enough effort or supporters for the Totem to remain (or be cared for and replaced). I fully support the Native American stewardship of our land. Though not a tribal member because I have no Native American heritage, I continue to be a supporter of natural history and not a supporter of any Tumwater casino, gambling or alcohol future (though I do occasionally buy a lottery ticket). Unfortunately, I see the 1960's non-descrimination side of our city disappearing into reckless consumerism, gambling and alcohol instead of conservation and preparing for the next downturn in our economy. I hope the mighty Davis Meeker Garry Oak Tree survives to celebrate a successful court battle for its life, that began and continues because a group of people cared enough, on Friday, May 24, 2024, to fight their way into the court system. Please remember the lost, but not yet forgotten, Totem that stood very proudly at the Tumwater Senior Center. That Totem was not respected and was not cared for properly by the City of Tumwater. And, if it is to be found that it was not an authentic Native Totem that was removed, may an authentic Native Totem be put in its place, somewhere, and sometime in the future. Thank you Tom Oliva for bringing back a Totem memory and for providing The Jolt your valued opinion regarding the Davis Meeker Garry Oak Tree. It is a great read!

From: Here's my take on the Davis-Meeker controversy, for what it's worth.

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