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OBviously, Sullivan's hiring of an outside attorney to 'fight' the restraining order is a blatant demonstration of doubling down on her 'decision'. She's controlling and stubborn person and people like that have no intentions whatsoever of looking at the other side of the situation. Hundreds of people disagree with her? Bring out the artillery, in her mindset. I still bet my lunch that she'll contract with a couple sneaks with chain saws who'll cut it down in the middle of the night. She might even have them drop it on the, she's taken out two impediments to her drive to expand the airport AND get her way. Of course s he'll deny any knowledge or involvement. But let's keep an eye on her budget, see if there's a nonsense entry for cutting the tree down.

From: Defenders of historic Davis-Meeker oak gain restraining order protecting tree

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