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I hope this injunction gives Mayor Sullivan and Administrator Parks time to reconsider their arbitrary and ill-planned decree to remove the public's cherished 40-year old oak tree. The tree is on the historic register. It was placed there in order to save it from destruction by developers. Mayor Sullivan and Administrator Parks have used bogus arguments to defend their decision, hoping to bully their way through. They've met with resistance by the city counsel and the entire Thurston County public. I hope they realize that their re-election depends on their actions on the fate of our tree. This issue is one of heart, not of money.

The tree is hurting no one, and has no potential to hurt anyone. Human beings are the only threat to that tree. Development can be carried out at a distance from the tree without any trouble. So what if we have to drive around it? So what if we have to build structures at a distance from it? It was here long before we arrived and it deserves our respect. The citizens have repeatedly rejected an enlarged airport here. Mayor Sullivan and Administrator Parks should listen to their constituents, not to the big businesses whispering in their ears.

From: Defenders of historic Davis-Meeker oak gain restraining order protecting tree

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