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I am so grateful to see citizens standing up and taking action to save the tree. It is baffling to me to see Mayor Sullivan spending all of her political capitol in collusion with the Tumwater City Manager Lisa Parks to have this 400-year old tree, the only one on the city's historic register taken down despite massive public interest, conflicting arborist reports, and done in complete secrecy. This decision not only smells of corruption, but flies in the face of a transparent government. Knowing the significance of this decision, why not involve the elected city council? Why not hold public hearings with multiple arborists? Why not look at other options to save the tree? Where are the tribes in all this? By completely disregarding the city council, historic preservation board, and majority of citizens wanting to look at options to save the tree, Mayor Sullivan has isolated herself and is acting like an authoritarian dictator. The damage done to public trust in the city of Tumwater and the Mayor's office is real and will be lasting. Parks is as corrupt as they come, claiming "confusion" when she is in fact intimately involved in this poor decision making and instead of taking personal responsibility, claims confusion. How insulting to the citizens who are paying her six figure salary! Frankly both her and Mayor Sullivan need to resign and depart the Ivory Tower they live in. Let people with honor and integrity take over and restore public confidence and trust in Tumwater. Having lived in Tumwater for the past 20 years, this is the worst leadership I have ever seen in the city. Mayor Sullivan and Lisa Parks' "leadership" show they are a disgrace to the city. This tree deserves to be saved.

From: Defenders of historic Davis-Meeker oak gain restraining order protecting tree

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