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Whoever is talking about selling computer equipment just isn't in touch with reality:

1) School laptops/tablets that have been heavily used by kids have no residual value

2) The computer equipment saves the school money over paper materials - paper isn't free, and paying for paper books that will get destroyed/damaged & have to be replaced is expensive.

3) As someone who was in K-12 during the transition from the paper world to the digital world (85-98), the last thing we need is to send kids back to the processes & systems associated with doing work by hand on paper (especially the god-awful process of handwriting (repeatedly, multiple drafts) essays, vs doing them in a word processor).... Someone who thinks that kids are 'naturally' ahead in technology might be right if the technology in question is the extremely simplified & locked down world of using cell phones. But that's not what they are going to be using at work as adults....

From: Yelm schools’ community forum draws crowd to brainstorm solutions

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