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This Port and its rather new assembly of Staff, commissoners would do well to Finally Listen to The People....

It Is Our Port after all, and we Pay for its subsidies, grants, programs plans, AND Legal Expenses.

The Port has been run into Debt, and we Need To Know Why and what has caused its demise.

As Weyhauser is Now the Only Logging outfit there and receives a Sweetheart Rate.

Where is the business going to come from?

If R. Rudolp has any "knowledge" of potential Business that we Can welcome in Olympia.... why wasn't it shown in Past Years.

This.... " were going to do better this year is BS.

Nothing has happened.

Nothing but a continued Enviromental Absurdity will be The Marine Terminals End result.

The Marine Terminal is Debt ridden and serves only Logging, and its Longshore Workers on the Taxpayers Dollars.

Close the Marine Terminal before they try to raise the Levy Rates again.

Longshore workers can Move, commute, or Quit.

From: Port of Olympia reports rosier-than-expected financials - if you don't count all the debt

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