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I don't live in Tumwater, but I do live in Thurston County and admire that great oak. I'm appalled by the maneuvers that the Tumwater mayor went through to hide her intentions to remove this lovely oak tree in order to make way for the expansion of commercial business. All of us in the county have seen that the citizens have repeatedly rejected the concept of an expanded airport as well as the very idea of widening the highway to remove that gorgeous oak tree. The majority has always expressed its affection for the tree. That's why it was put on the historic register in the first place: to keep it safe from development. Thurston County's citizens have rallied around saving that tree as a public benefit. Now one elected official is abusing her authority by finding administrative regulations that allow her to circumvent the will of her counsel and the will of her constituents. Her actions were sneaky or she would have been honest and up front about every intention since last February. Who's contributing to her election campaign fund? She's listening to big money instead of her public. No wonder the public has lost faith in elected officials who no longer respond to the will of their constituents.

From: Tumwater city administrator takes responsibility for process that led to plans to cut down the Davis-Meeker tree

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