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This, Is. Bullsh**!!

The whole situation smacks of hidden agendas, strong-arm authority, a TOTAL lack of willingness to use science and data and expert testimony on the decision about this beloved and historical tree.

The application to remove the tree was made in February--BEFORE this 'public process' (completely abandoned as it has been) even started. Meetings with the Tree Board, City Council and Historic Preservation Commission concerning this rare and unique elder among us, did not start until MARCH.

That City Manager Parks, MAYOR SULLIVAN, city staff and the city attorney would waste SO MUCH OF OUR TIME, OUR ATTENTION, OUR ENERGY, OUR literally string us all along and play us, when their intention was ALWAYS to butcher this majestic Oak....I am so spitting mad.

I've spent over three months now of my own precious time organizing to save this beauty, as have countless community members and public figures--including Historic Preservation Commission members, City Councilmembers, Tree Board members--WA Native Plant Society members, expert arborists and those who have worked extensively with the unique properties of the long-lived Garry Oak.

Many have given generously and lovingly to honor this community's wishes that the tree be treated with respect, and with reverence.

Yet zero pleas to abandon this misguided and selfish hidden agenda have been they had already made the decision and faked us through all the rest.

We know it is NOT about safety, Ms. Mayor--or we'd have cut down a heck of a lot of other trees which have dropped branches. She's never answered to that one....

Now, City Manager Lisa Parks is trying to cover her tracks, their tracks.

She should be fired. The Mayor should be thrown out of office.

This whole situation hasn't been 'confusing', Ms.'s been 100% CORRUPT.

You should be ashamed of the way you've treated your commissions and councils, and your public.

Let's hope something, someone, somewhere....can save this beleaguered and misunderstood

majestic arboreal miracle among us, and that justice will be served.

From: Tumwater city administrator takes responsibility for process that led to plans to cut down the Davis-Meeker tree

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