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Thank you Jules - this person isn't "unhoused" and he isn't "homeless". He's a vagrant and we have laws about that. There are services available for people who WANT to use them. These services have rules - as all societies do; they offer a pathway to homes, jobs, sobriety, all the things OUR society requires and expects - it's the American dream. But if a person chooses to turn their back, and not obey OUR rules that do consider them and their needs, then that's their choice. There a consequences - not everyone gets a trophy in life. There really are people who don't want to "win" - and it's OK. But that doesn't mean my taxes need to feed, cloth and "house" someone who doesn't want it and who isn't going to benefit. Give these people what they need -mental health support, help with addiction or help to jail if they break the law! But get the vagrants off our streets and let's give safety, law and order a try for our community,

From: Dave – One piece of the puzzle that is homelessness 

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