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I contacted Tumwater as soon as I heard about this, which was the same time that the council members heard about it. I called, I emailed and tried to become engaged. There was this effort to convince me by the mayor's office that the tree was completely rotten. A photo of the tree was sent to me, with an edited hand drawn broad stroked rot line shown as if the whole tree had rotted 100 years before it's time. This type of photo edited does not convince me of anything, especially when other arborists stepped in to contradict this account. Concurrently I have been active against any airport expansion that would cause noise, lead or potential jet fuel pollution. I am watching flight school training ramping up. They say they are bringing in unleaded fuel this year, but without a mandate to use it, it feels like bogus window dressing. The citizens do not want an expansion, and have been vocal about it for years. It appears that now they are implementing it behind the scenes.. Hearing that the tree and the hanger were designated as obstacles is insane, because concurrently, as of two days ago, I was told by several decision makers that there are "no plans for expansion." Lies from the mayor and lies from the Olympia airport management, and lies from the Port of Olympia. I call withholding information is a lie. I am grateful that some Tumwater council members are calling them out on lack of legal process. I can only hope that they find a legal way to turn this situation around. Know that small planes emit lead, and that it accumulates on the ground in the water ways, poisoning everything for all time. I believe that soil samples to show what we already are dealing with around and on the airport property are in order.

From: Tumwater mayor decides to remove Davis-Meeker Oak

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