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Unhoused individuals (or families) within a community…

- Good for the person(s) without safe shelter?

- Good for the community of safely sheltered people?

Safety in the form of shelter is essential - it is near the foundation on Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs, just after the bedrock physiological needs for food, water, warmth, and rest. Bodily safety and security from attack are what safe shelter helps to provide.

When you lack safe shelter, surviving (forget about thriving) is precarious at best. Not until you obtain safety can you be fully equipped to engage with belonging/love.

True, not everyone who is housed attains feelings of belonging/love, nor esteem/respect or self actualization. Safe shelter “for all” is only a step in the right direction for those without it, and proof of community belonging for those who do.

From: Dave – One piece of the puzzle that is homelessness 

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