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So, the tree is an icon and has as much right to life as anything. If it needs a trim - do it. If it's diseased then it's life may be at an end. So many are passionate about it and perhaps they could form an on-sight protest to save it. Julia Butterfly Hill sat in a giant redwood for 2 years to save its life. The tree is important for itself and for the morale of the people, apparently.

What is more important is the agenda. What is the actual plan? I live close to the airport and the noise it makes can be annoying, esp when helicopters fly over and over your house for hours just above the tree-tops. To make the airport bigger and add more commercial traffic will destroy the beauty of this area. There is already too much noise and air pollution stressing the flora and fauna. When will the People finally say enough is enough and stand down those who will continue to steal your lives and freedom bit by bit until there is nothing left to live for? The choices we make today create all of our tomorrows.

From: Tumwater mayor decides to remove Davis-Meeker Oak

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