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First: despite what is reported by whatever entity within the city, anyone who drives around Olympia and environs can see that there is only an increase in tagging and wanton vandalism.

Second: case in point; there was a tagger and glass etcher who went by the tag Menes, get it, menace, hilarious. Marco somebody who now owns and operates Lit Fuse, a tattoo parlour. At the old taxi stand just west of his shop was opening an herbalist/acupuncture/etc. After being open for a month or so, snot-nose (Marco) stopped by and complained that they were making the area look bad because they had yet to hand their business sign or decorate the windows with it.

This coming from a long-time destructive vandal.

Many of these taggers are bored kids with plenty of money for fancy cameras to record their activities, not to mention the cost of tens of cans of spray paint.

After finally identifying one little **** who would tag 'daybreak' and having cost him a $1000 fine, he whined that his parents wouldn't help him pay it and asked him why he was still acting so childishly being in his 20's

Break their index fingers. Next found offence, chop them off, one bone per new offence.

Like dogs pissing on trees.

From: Graffiti: Olympia reports a 7 percent decrease in tagging

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