Port Commission authorizes $6.25 million grant for Budd Inlet cleanup 


The Port of Olympia Commission authorized Executive Director Alex Smith to sign a $6.25 million grant agreement with the Washington Department of Ecology (WDE) to support the cleanup of Budd Inlet. 

The commission made the decision on Monday, Jan. 27.

The grant requires the Port to match it for the same amount, which it would do so using its own funds and a $1.4 million grant from the Department of Commerce. 

The grant would support the work as the Port completes sampling activities to determine the extent of contamination in Budd Inlet.

The analysis will inform a “cleanup action plan,” which would contain the scope and implementation of a preferred cleanup strategy, as well as an “engineering design report" described as the technical aspects needed for that chosen strategy. 

Sampling activities were already conducted on the East Bay of Budd Inlet in February 2023. Sampling for West Bay starts this week, according to Smith. The work will continue through March, and the results should be ready toward the end of the year.  

The state appropriated the funding for WDE during the 2023-25 budget. Environmental Manager Jon Wolf told the commission in a previous briefing the WDE confirmed that it will extend the grant if needed.  

The Port also intends to request additional funding this legislative season. Prior to the current grant, the Port previously received $2.1 million from WDE for earlier phases of the cleanup.  

The cleanup of Budd Inlet complies with a 2008 order from WDE instructing the Port to remediate contaminated sediments at the site, which originated from historical industrial activities. 


4 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • BobJacobs

    This incredibly expensive project has one objective -- to keep the money-losing and pollution-causing Marine Terminal operating.

    And it is not a true clean-up project because it does not include measures to prevent new pollution from simply replacing the old. That means that this super-expensive project will simply occur over and over again in the future. It's nuts.

    Our health and that of the environment are being endangered for the sake of what? -- a dangerous and environmentally damaging shipping business in a location very badly suited for shipping. Which the Port District subsidizes with our tax money.

    Close the Marine Terminal!

    Bob Jacobs

    Tuesday, February 4 Report this

  • Boatyarddog

    Thank you BOB J. You are Correct. Like ANY Good Business Losing Money For Decades is a Signal that Tightening the Belt of out flow is a good practise. The trouble here lies with The Longshore Union, they are NOT INTERESTED in Thurston Counties Stakeholders and OUR Problems and Increasing TAX BURDENS, I Have a friend that works for them... AND I TRUST HIS WORD. Budd Bay would be healing faster if they STOP Dredging and Stirring Up the Sediments.... and THE BIGGEST INSULT in My Opinion is BURYING Those Contaminates in The Bay in Concrete Coffins, Leaving those Structures to Rot and Cause Havoc for Our Granchildren to Deal with.

    Ecological Stewards My Behind!!!


    IT IS A MONEY PIT! That serves a Very Small Group.... The LONGSHORE FAMILYS AND BUSINESS Friends

    Tuesday, February 4 Report this

  • HappyOlympian

    That might help to pay for a consultant.

    Friday, February 7 Report this

  • Yeti1981

    The Marine Terminal isn't meant to bring in a profit. It will likely post what looks like losses often due to the depreciation of equipment. However, it is an attractive asset to generate future business and with a good manager could really be a great economic stimulator for Thurston County. If economic success is not your bag, emergency management sure better be. The Port of Olympia will be a significant piece of any disaster recovery for Thurston. There's not a ton of other options for getting our folks the resources they need post-disaster. That alone should justify keeping the marine terminal.

    Monday, February 10 Report this