Negativland, an acclaimed sound collage group, will join “real-time cinema” visual artist SUE-C in an audiovisual performance focused on the mind, reality, and the evolving forms of media and technology orchestrating people’s perceptions. SUE-C, who will appear virtually, designed and produced a video Negativland uses to perform in person.
“Negativland’s complex chaos of plunderphonics poses both serious and silly questions about the nature of sound, media, technology, control, propaganda, power and perception in the global village. Negativland continues to be pioneers of art in the electric age, and the medium reveals that any message is all in our heads,” OFS’s site stated.
The Olympia Film Society (OFS) will host Negativland/SUE-C Live + Stand By For Failure: A Documentary About Negativland on Thursday, August 8, starting at 7 p.m.
The showing of the documentary, directed by Ryan Worsley, features a live show by Negativland, a performance by SUE-C, and a Q&A.
The documentary shows how Negativland emerged in 1978 after David “The Weatherman” Wills, Richard Lyons and Mark Hosler’s initiation.
SUE-C is a video and light artist who practices creative coding and live performances, also creating handmade videos and live media performances locally and internationally.
“Her works challenge the norms of photography, video, and technology by blending them all into an organic and improvisational live performance setting. Employing a variety of digital tools to create an experimental animation ‘instrument,’ she synthesizes cinema from photographs, drawings, watercolors, hand-made papers, fabrics, and lighting effects,” SUE-C’s site stated.
Admission is priced at $25 for general admission and $20 for OFS members.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This article was created with the assistance of artificial intelligence. Our human editorial team carefully reviewed and edited all information to ensure accuracy and relevance.
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Sounds waaaay cool!
Tuesday, August 6 Report this