The Olympia City Council voted unanimously to declare the city a sanctuary for individuals of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
This declaration, which was made on Tuesday, Jan. 28, comes as the federal government under the current administration recognizes only two sexes, male and female, and continues to roll back protections and rights for the LGBTQIA2S+ community.
In a resolution, the city council declared Olympia a sanctuary for LGBTQIA2S+ people.
It recognized that members of the community face threats and systemic barriers, and there is a need for sanctuary city protections.
Olympia affirms individuals' rights to access gender-affirming care, engage in supportive speech and expression, and define their gender and sexuality.
The city also commits to not dedicating resources to enforcing laws that do not support these rights, and making such enforcement a low priority.
It also vowed to actively oppose any legislation or action or actions at the state or federal level that threaten the rights, safety or dignity of LGBTQIA2S+ individuals.
The resolution also outlines the city's commitment to ongoing collaboration and partnership with the local LGBTQIA2S+ community.
Stacey Ray, the assistant city manager, explained that the council had previously asked staff to bring back a resolution that declares Olympia a sanctuary city, affirming the city's commitment to ensuring LGBTQIA2S+ individuals feel safe and supported.
Ray stated that the resolution was developed collaboratively, incorporating input and review from the LGBTQIA2S+ community, ally groups, city staff and council members.
The language in the resolution was also informed by similar sanctuary city resolutions passed in other jurisdictions, such as New York State, Kansan City and Ithaca, New York.
After a shared reading of the resolution, Mayor Dontae Payne passed the gavel to Mayor Pro Tem Yen Huynh to preside over the meeting and explain that, according to the Council Guidebook, the mayor does not make motions.
It was learned that Council member Clark Gilman requested that the mayor make the motion that evening.
Payne, who identifies himself as an LGBTQIA2S+ individual, then took the lead to approve the resolution.
Payne emphasized his commitment to the Constitution, stating that he has taken the oath to defend the Constitution four times — twice when he was enlisted in the Army, once as a council member and once as mayor.
The mayor believes the Constitution "speaks of promoting the general welfare of our people and to promote the blessings of liberty. And those blessings of liberty mean that we have the right to be who we are."
Payne said the city is "being forced to have to do this" to declare Olympia a sanctuary as a result of increasing challenges to the rights of this community. He said the resolution affirms and celebrates the LGBTQIA2S+ community.
"I look forward to a day where these types of actions at the local level are not necessary because our federal government is attacking us," Payne said.
Council member Robert Vanderpool acknowledged the last few days and weeks had been a time of a lot of anxiety, but he was glad the city was taking steps to create confidence in government despite the challenging situation.
Vanderpool emphasized that the city has a moral responsibility to focus on the needs of the public and make sure all members of the Olympia, including LGBTQIA2S+ individuals, feel safe and supported.
Aherlow Kasjaka, a Liberation Collective steward and a Capital City Pride board member, thanked the city council for passing the resolution.
They said that the LGBTQIA2S+ community faced growing challenges that led to fear.
"Many in the community are reasonably scared, fearing the loss of health care access and increased violence due to the hostile national climate," Kasjaka said.
For Kasjaka, this resolution provides a sense of hope that has been needed.
Kasjaka added that the resolution serves to affirm the cultural identity of the LGBTQIA2S+ community, emphasizing they are "not just defined by sexual and gender identities, but also by a culture grounded in love, art, and resistance against systems of oppression."
29 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here
Selfishly looking forward to all kinds of interesting new neighbors.
Wednesday, January 29 Report this
Can you please name the "protections and rights" being rolled back?
This statement was made as fact - "and continues to roll back protections and rights for the LGBTQIA2S+ community."
Wednesday, January 29 Report this
So very proud of our city. You are all loved!
Thursday, January 30 Report this
First Off... What is a LGBTQIA2S+ community. I have gays and trans people living in my neighborhood. I talk to them at least once a week at the mailbox... So, am I not part of their community or should I state that my white community is systematically being overrun? See how I can spin words? You people are nuts and we citizens in Thurston County is/are broke! Please explain what carve outs the government going to give these people. Why can't I have the same carve outs? I thought there was equal protection under the law.
Last but not least... and this is going to upset you socialists, er... I mean democrats.
Obama in 2014 "If you entered illegally, you will be deported"
Clinton (Bill) in 1995 "Immigrants are abusing our immigration laws"
Senator Schumer " Illegal immigration is wrong"
Joe Biden in 2007 "I will not allow sanctuary cities"
Clinton (Hillary) " if they committed a crime, deport them"
Trump is only saying what democrats have said for years, decades in fact!!!! The hypocrisy kills me!
Thursday, January 30 Report this
Stick to filling potholes. Identity posturing politics don't get the potholes filled.
Thursday, January 30 Report this
1 know the majority in USA agree there are only 2 genders and publicly supporting something like this is deviceve and dangerous to this community. If this was acceptable nation wide things would be different
But as of now you shouldn't endanger 99% of population to give special favor to 1%
Thursday, January 30 Report this
Narratives such as this are largely unsupported by the empirical and must therefore rely on untethered assertions. Now begins the torture of reality to prove the narrative. Buckle up.
Thursday, January 30 Report this
You can not help who you are born to be. This is humanely being addressed. Thank you.
Thursday, January 30 Report this
I like how Olympia states they are not interested in these topics built up to distract us. Let's focus on the REAL issues: climate change, pollution to our air and oceans, deforestation, income inequality, reducing fossil fuel emissions. I am not at all concerned with being distracted over gender, sexual orientation, or immigration.
Thursday, January 30 Report this
Jules James,
You obviously didn’t watch the council meeting and hear the mayor’s comments for yourself. He has some words for you people that think the city shouldn’t take these kinds of actions. Cities and states wouldn’t have to do this if the current federal government wasn’t obsessed with who people sleep or how they identify or where they were born. The Trump administration accuses the other side of identity politics when in reality it the Trump Administration and its supporters that obsess over identity politics. They clearly use it to divide us by passing harmful policies that directly impact their lives. The privilege of only having to worry about potholes right now must be nice.
Thursday, January 30 Report this
Tim Walz said it perfectly.
"Mind your own DAMN business"
Pot holes over Peoples Rights? FORGET IT
Olympias Been A Sanctuary city for Decades with NO real Violence. Only minor Harrassment by Donald Trumps Minions of Terror and some other Mentally Challenged people.
Know this Olympias alternative culture is Precious to Many and MANY are the Numbers of People Willing to Go VERY far to Protect them.
Those Ill willing People Better find a Happier existance elsewhere. This City is A Sanctuary City and Will remain So.
Thursday, January 30 Report this
What a joke. More important things to get done then this BS.
Thursday, January 30 Report this
"We affirm and support all mental illnesses!"
Thursday, January 30 Report this
Thursday, January 30 Report this
Boatyard, explain to me how they aren't suffering from mental illness? Explain how this is move by the City is positive? Liberalism is a self-terminating ideology. Your generation will leave nothing behind when gone.
Thursday, January 30 Report this
S.S GUY i'm not in Olympia to waste my time judging others for their Personal preferences. I enjoy The DIVERSITY! Your comments are Trashy and Full of Malice. Only reasoning and Life experience allow for Positive Change. Somehow you went down the Road of Angry expression, and Bullying. It's a Fleeting Strategy, that will not be respected or condoned. In fact it will be associated with your Personal Opinion... which is Ugly. SO.. maybe just keep to yourself and be respecful of Others not like you. That's really a good way to be seen as a Decent person, respected as a Community member, possiably look like a helpful soul. In Oly we support NOT chide others for their personal choices. It's NOT helpful to Anyone. No one is being harmed, except others that seem to spout off with Angry ugly off color comments!
Thursday, January 30 Report this
Really, S.S.Guy? you don't know MY generation. You assume Everything and You May Know what happens there.
Thursday, January 30 Report this
Some of the comments on here is why there needs to be protections. The current maga administration has made it perfectly clear how they feel about the LBGT+/POC/immigrant communities.
Thursday, January 30 Report this
For clarity, please - what does "LGBTQIA2S+" translate as? I think I get thru "Q" but what is the rest?
Thursday, January 30 Report this
Funny - No one can argue with my post... I'm 100% right, they/you are wrong - that is the end of the argument! I have won!!! End of story!
Friday, January 31 Report this
There nothing diverse or good about people with mental illnesses and deviant perversions. It’s a tragedy, and it’s worse that people want to promote it and protect it.
Friday, January 31 Report this
RedskinPatriot your comments are just plain full of IT like your personality. The attitudes and proclaimations are Most of what is Wrong with the Far Right attitude. Uneducated at Best!
Friday, January 31 Report this
HappyOlympian. You just Google it.
Friday, January 31 Report this
Again, no one on this thread has defeated my argument! No one!! I’m
Friday, January 31 Report this
As all of us recited countless times: "With liberty and justice for ALL." Some of the commenters here need to review this very patriotic quote and question their own patriotism if they can't understand the definition of ALL.
Saturday, February 1 Report this
Don't know how this will help in practice--the future's unwritten--but I know it helps in principle to many of my friends, who are out in town making this place so interesting to live in. (And in case it matters to some of the nay-sayers to whom it seems to matter, I'm a cis-male ex-infantryman.)
Saturday, February 1 Report this
To RedskinPatriot - Making Olympia a Sanctuary City does not take away anyone's equality. It ensures it. Let's live in peace, bro.
Wednesday, February 5 Report this
THANK YOU Dontae!!
You are a special window-Payne allowing light to shine through!!
Wednesday, February 5 Report this
Boatyarddog, that was a test and you failed - supporters can't even keep track or bother to share the meaning of that monstrosity of an acronym that surely excludes someone somewhere. Shame on you, exclusionist.
Friday, February 7 Report this